FU Cancer Alert!
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and as with every year I create this post in reference to this. *FU Cancer!
Cyberjamz Radio/Records has been involved with my artist The Legendary Kimberly Joy Salter – K.JOY (Chicago) for several years now with our music project entitled “I am Woman” feat. Various Artists for collective men & women for WCN (Women’s Cancer Network). RIP my sister Dora Santiago and countless others we all have lost to cancer.
Soul Oasis pres: The K.Joy “I Am Woman” Charity Remix Project featuring Collective Men & Women United for the Women’s Cancer Network (Incl. Mixes by Chazz (South Africa), Ricardo Miranda & (RIP) Rob “Solid Noize” Temple) and featuring legendary vocalists Martha Wash, Libby Jones, K.Joy, Raiyn, Flora Cruz, Carolyn Harding, Screamin’ Rachel, Trizonna McClendon and Dajae.
Pick up the release package at Traxsource https://bit.ly/3ErqLbn
All lyrics and music protected by Pure Ironsalt Publishing LLC (BMI)
A&R & co-produced by SammyRock aka Soul Oasis.
All rights reserved.
This is a unique time to make a difference and save someone’s life!! We are counting on YOU! The lovers of music to participate in this joint effort.
COMPLETE INFO ON THE PROJECT: http://www.sonicbids.com/kjoyiamwoman
TO DONATE NOW: http://www.wcn.org/about/donate.html
FOUNDATION THAT ASSISTS CANCER PATIENTS: http://www.patientadvocate.org/